Saturday, December 20, 2008

Significance of 108

The no 108 is significant in Hundu worship and ancient scriptures and culture. It also shows the genius of the Mathematicians of Vedic times.

We have 108 beads in a "Mala" and our ancestors told us that we have to recite a mantra at least for 108 times. We don't know why this constant is chosen and not any other? Is there a reason to it ? ? We do not know that, but there are some eye catching phenomena/formulas/events that may enlighten us to think that our saints had some reasons to choose 108 and it was not something that was picked out of thin air

Here are some examples:

1) Astronomical:

Solar Eclipse:
a)During Solar eclipse the distance between Earth and Sun divided by Diameter of Sun = 108
b) During Solar eclipse distance between Earth and Moon divided by diameter of Earth
Is equal to 108

Lunar Eclipse:
c) During Lunar eclipse distance between Moon and Sun divided by the diameter of
Sun is 108
d) During Lunar eclipse distance between Earth and Moon divided by the diameter of
Moon is 108

So does it tell you something? If this figure 108 is disturbed at the time of eclipse the Earth will either be too cool (away from sun) or too hot (near to sun)
for the habitation.

2) Astrological:

We have 12 "Rashis" and 9 Grahas, 12 x 9 = 108 different combination of radiations on our selves at the time of birth decides our entire future and what type of human nature we will develop during the course of our lives. Based on which Hindus make their horoscopes. Based on these radiations we can, at any time, possess one of those 108 characters. The psychological science has so far invented 5-7 different personality that can co-exists in a man at a given time. But they are still researching if there is more. If they look into Indian sciences, and take them as true, they would easily find 108 different personalities of a man at a given time.

3) Mathematical:

There is a symmetrical formula in math that sums up to 108. Whether that means anything to human life or not we do not know. But if we calculate ( 1 to the power of 1) times ( 2 to the power of 2 ) times ( 3 to the power of 3 ) = 108
May be 108 * ( 4 to the power of 4 ) would be some other great figure.

4) Chemistry: There are 108 distinct elements that are found so far.

5) Cultural: Bharatnatyam is an Indian dancing system. Where each mudra represents a Distinct ex-pression of a man. There are 108 distinct mudras in Bharat Natyam - the combination of them creates the whole of dance drama.

6) Japa: we have 108 names of Ganesh, Lakshmi, Vishnu and other gods and goddesses.

7) Jews found their refuge in 108 countries only in India they were not tortured and persecuted. As per the Israel govt archives and documents.

8) 108 = 1 + 0 + 8 = 9. The divine number. Why ? Since if you add 9 to any number the sum digit of the number remains the same. [ e.g. 23 = 2+3 = 5; 239 = 2+3+9 = 41 = 4+1 = 5 ] Similarly God is in everyone but everyone is still an individual self - and distinct in nature from each other.